February 23, 2025
착하고 신실한 사역자 A Good and Faithful Servant
성도인 우리모두가 사역자입니다 All Believers Are Servants of God
하나님이 기뻐하시는 사역자는…A Servant That Pleases God…
- 착한 성도 A Good Servant
1) 5,2달란트 받은 사람은 칭찬받음 The servants who received five and two talents were praised 마25:18,24,26
2) 하나님과 리더십을 믿고 감사하면 When we trust in God and our spiritual leadership with gratitude 잠3:6-7
- 받은 것으로 열심히 장사하는 성도 A Servant Who Works Diligently with What They Have Received
1) 받은 것으로 장사한 종은 칭찬받음 The servant who traded with what he received was praised
2) 안하고 게으른 것을 책망함 The servant who did nothing and was lazy was rebuked
살후3:10-11 고전4:2
예수님안에 거하고 맡길때에 착하고 신실한 종이 됩니다 Abiding in Jesus and Entrusting Everything to Him Makes Us Good and Faithful Servants
빌4:13 히3:1